
Who Am I?

Hi, I'm Wael Ben Youssef, a 24-year-old IT student pursuing engineering at ESPRIT. Video games and lifting weights fuel my passion, giving me the drive to explore and excel in the world of technology. Proficient in Java, Angular, and Symfony, I've developed a solid foundation, but my hunger for knowledge remains insatiable. I'm constantly seeking opportunities to learn and grow, eager to unravel new challenges and contribute to innovative projects. Join me on this exciting journey as we push the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of software development. Let's code the future together! 🚀

Front Development

Backend Development

Database Management

Data Mining Algorithms

Interested in my work?

Feel free to explore more of my projects and contributions on my GitHub profile. Let's connect and create something amazing together!

Visit my GitHub !

Download My CV !

What I do?

Here are some of my expertise

Backend Development

Expertise in server-side technologies including Spring Boot, Symfony, and NodeJS to build robust and secure backend systems.

Frontend Development

Proficient in Angular and JavaScript to create responsive and user-friendly interfaces for web applications.

API Development

Experience in creating RESTful APIs using frameworks like Spring Boot and ExpressJS, enabling seamless communication between systems.

Database Management

Skilled in managing databases with technologies such as MongoDB and PostgreSQL, ensuring efficient data storage and retrieval.

Data Mining Algorithms

Utilizing advanced data mining algorithms to discover patterns and insights, enhancing decision-making and optimizing performance across various projects.

UML Modeling

Proficient in creating UML diagrams to visualize and design complex software systems, ensuring clear and effective communication of system structures and behaviors.

My Specialty

My Skills














From September 2022 - Now

Master the steps of software development.
Have an initiation to good practices of software development.
Develop software meeting standards quality.
Familiarise with architectures and software components.
Implement system architectures and networks

ISET Charguia
From September 2018 - June 2022

In the Applied License in IT, we studied networks, web development (Angular, Symfony, Node.js), big data, business intelligence and programming (Python, C).

We also studied some theoretical concepts in data structures, algorithms, software engineering, and database management, preparing us for diverse tech roles.

Sokra High School

From 2014 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics


Work Experience

Development of a Guarantee Management Application July 2023 - August 2023

La poste tunisienne

Developed a guarantee management application using Spring Boot and Angular with a MongoDB database

Implemented security features using Spring Security

Optimized application performance

Development of an Equipment Management Application January 2022 - February 2022

La poste tunisienne

Designed and developed a web application for managing the IT equipment for the finance and accounting department of La Poste Tunisienne using Angular/ NodeJS/ ExpressJS/ PostgreSQL

The application allows for the management of IT equipment

My Work

Recent Work

Find Me Platform

A platform called FIND ME which helps find lost people using Symfony

Front Office Back Office

Fi Thnitek Platform

Carpooling App(desktop/web/mobile) coded with JavaFX, Symfony, CodeNameOne

Desktop Web Mobile

Platform for business forum management

Develop a business forum management platform for ESPRIT with Angular, SpringBoot and implement Machine Learning models.

Front-End Back-End

Get in Touch



Sokra ,Ariana , Tunisia